Biggest threat to humanity : Moral Crisis or Climate Change?
Gandhi ji, the great philosopher and the father of our nation, used to say, "The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs but not every man's greeds". This quote signifies two things, that the earth and nature try their optimum level to meet the needs and necessities of living beings, in order to make their survival smooth on this planet. But they fall short in fulfilling every man's greeds. We humans are greedy by nature. When our needs are met, the demand for more rises. And that is where problem rises too. If it is said that humanity has evolved and humans have progressed with time, one cannot deny the fact that there exists several factors that pose serious threats to humanity due to which survival of life and it's prolonged continuation is endangered. Some of these factors being - Climate Change, Nuclear Terrorism, Loss of Biodiversity, food shortages. The list of the factors posing threats to humanity is a long one, but it's factors can be clubbed under two major categories of moral crisis and climate change. Morals are those principles that teach a human the differences between what's right and what's wrong. Moral crisis is thus the dearth of ethics in the society in general and an individual in particular. It is the situation of failing to stand for something that's right. Moral degradation of humans, growing insensitivity, vices, destitution, corruption all are caused by moral crisis. While climate change is the change in weather patterns over a long period of time, impacting oceans, ice-sheets, life, and all the resources existing. Global warming, sea level rises, mass extinction of species all are facilitated by climate change. Thus, when given a deep thought, it appears that biggest and most severe threat to humanity is posed by moral crisis and climate change.
Earth has supported life for over 3.5 billion years. But it's hospitality is hardly consistent. In the past 500 million years, the earth has witnessed five mass extinctions that went on to wipe out as much as 90% of the species from the face of the earth. A 2015 study revealed that 6th mass extinction of species is underway. Too many species are dying out too quickly and no species including humans are safe from it's effects. When we turn the pages of history, we find that the rich civilization of Indus Valley had declined due to climate change (termed as the Bond Event - ice rifting event linked with climatic fluctuations in the Holocene) supported by other factors too. It was the lack of morality and abundance of greed in the Britishers due to which they went on the expedition of colonializing rich lands of Asia and Africa. The exploitation they did of resource rich India had left it paralyzed in almost all the spheres. Inorder to facilitate industrial development of England, they exploited resources of India creating undue pressure and disturbing ecological balance. Thus, it was the moral crisis that had led to climate change.
It is widely observed that nations hesitate to realize that if problems are caused by us, the solutions too lie with us. Climate change is real and its impacts are devastating. But due to vested political motives and interests, nations prefer neglecting climatic issues. The recent decision by the US Government to opt out of Paris Agreement calling climate Change a hoax is a case in point. It gave the rationale that it would cost it as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025. Similarly, due to nationalist motives, it is often seen that humanity goes on for a toss. It is the moral crisis and degradation of virtues because of which western countries have yet not agreed on providing asylum facilities to immigrants coming from war torn Iraq and Syria. Petty political tools like vote bank politics, polarization of votes, influencing voters by distributing liquor, reveal lack of maturity and degradation of morals in the political arena.
How do we call it a progressive society ,when ethically, it is constantly on a decline? Corruption charges on government officials, infamous scams like Bofors, Commonwealth games, Coalgate, Vyapam, PDS scam highlight the delicate and crucial state of Indian society. Cases of destitution, rapes, domestic violence, are constantly on a rise. No laws and regulations have been successful enough to deviate humans from the path of wrongdoing. Killing of nationalists like Gauri Lankesh depict that humans are forgetting the importance of human life and respecting others' views. This is moral crisis, which is threatening humanity. While climate change has resulted in increased migration instances, slum dwellers thereby causing undue pressure on natural and human resources. Also, climate change causes changed weather and rainfall patterns, resulting in lower farm productivity pushing farmers to give away their lives in the hands of suicides.
Oxfam Report recently revealed that 1% of the richest own 58% of total wealth in India. This is not a matter of concern, the real concern is when we look at the huge Indian population being homeless, unemployed, residing in poverty and unable to afford two square meals a day. The recent case of a Jharkhand girl dying of starvation because her family did not have Aadhar linked ration card highlights lack of sensitivity, compassion towards human life. The uneven distribution of wealth, property and resources is a moral crisis.
Climate Change causes Global Warming which results in melting of ice sheets and ice caps causing sea level rise. And because of this island states like Maldives, Marshall islands are under the threat of submergence. The very existence of animals are also threatened by climate change. Polar bear (survivng on arctic sea ice) and penguins (surviving on Antarctica sea ice) are now forced to migrate in search of food as the ice in the region is melting and they might starve to death.
Seeing the widespread impact of moral crisis and climate change, it would not be justified enough to name either of it as the bigger threat. Moral Crisis has led to over utilization of resources without thinking of others and future generations, which resulted in climate change. Thus they are not different but linked with each other. Hence the ideal solution lies in finding ways to mend both moral crisis and climate change.
The role of parents and family, in infusing morals and virtues in a child, is most prominent. They are the ones who can give the first lessons on simple yet most celebrated values of benevolence, kindness and compassion. At the same time, the need is to increase the efficiency and impact of already existing laws inorder to curb instances of crimes against women and children. This should be couples with a comprehensive convention on terrorism by powerful and responsible states. This way an end to global terrorism, radicalization of youth, spread of hatred can be curbed.
Gandhiji said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." The impacts of climate change are severe, but it's never too late to learn from the mistakes. The first measure that is to be taken is to realize the threats caused by climate change, get rid of blame-game and understand the responsibilities every small and big nation holds in the times of crisis. Complying by the Kigali Agreement (reducing hydrofluorocarbon emissions), Paris Agreement (reducing green house gases emissions), striving towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals, shifting towards renewable energy, International Solar Alliance, Bishkek Declaration (on the conservation of snow leopards) are the steps that can be taken collectively to save the earth and life. At the same time, developing drought resistance plant species, hydroponics, bioremedation can help mending the damage done to resources.
We've always believed in the philosophy of Vasudheva Kutumbakama (Whole world is a family). Thus by retaining it in its true sense, the threats to humanity - Moral Crisis and Climate Change can be overcome. Love, compassion and affection can be restored, a striking balance between every form of life, needs and demands can be made. Thus, the real solution lies in moral awakening of souls, and then every major and minor threat to humanity can be successfully fought establishing a peaceful, harmonious and secure world.