Biggest threat to humanity : Moral Crisis or Climate Change?
Gandhi ji, the great philosopher and the father of our nation, used to say, "The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs but not every man's greeds". This quote signifies two things, that the earth and nature try their optimum level to meet the needs and necessities of living beings, in order to make their survival smooth on this planet. But they fall short in fulfilling every man's greeds. We humans are greedy by nature. When our needs are met, the demand for more rises. And that is where problem rises too. If it is said that humanity has evolved and humans have progressed with time, one cannot deny the fact that there exists several factors that pose serious threats to humanity due to which survival of life and it's prolonged continuation is endangered. Some of these factors being - Climate Change, Nuclear Terrorism, Loss of Biodiversity, food shortages. ...