Trust take years to Build, Seconds to Break
"Trust me!" These are the two words we get to hear the most. We keep saying this to others and others keep saying this to us. But what exactly is trust? Is it honesty of a person towards you? Or is someone's kindness towards you? Or is it someone's truthfulness? Well, 'Trust' is a trait of believing in 'honesty' and 'reliability' of others. When a person starts developing faith in someone, he/she starts trusting him/her.
Being trustworthy is the most valuable asset. Trust is required in every possible sphere. Be it in a family, or in friendship, in business or in an organization. Then, question arises, that what makes trust, so important? Can we not do without trusting one another?
Trust is required everywhere because it brings loyalty. It is natural, if you trust a person deeply, the chances of you playing with his/her trust will be minimal. Similarly, trust comes with expectations. Here, expectations are not 'gains' but expecting to be trusted back. Hence, when you trust someone, you expect the person to trust you back.
If I ask you, how long to you take to trust someone, what will you say? Take for instance, if you meet a stranger at the bus stop, talk for five minutes, will you start trusting him? The answer for maximum of you will be no. This because, it takes time and efforts to build trust. It takes going the extra mile to show that you are someone who can be counted on! And unfortunately, the same trust can be crushed down into a million pieces by letting someone down.
Hence, it is rightly said that, 'Trust takes years to build, and seconds to break.'
The trust you have in your people and your people have in you, is the reason of incredible success of relationships. And once that trust gets broken down, it cannot get back to the same situation. Things don't appear to be the same. Thus, trust is like a precious glass piece, which should be handled with great care!
Here are few illustrations where trust results in magical things and if at all it gets broken down, can result in life long lessons.
Foundations of trust between parents and their children. The most beautiful thing that can happen in a family is parents showing complete faith in their children, giving them the required freedom and the children never letting them down and keeping their word. Parents become best friends of their children when children prove them that they are someone who can be trusted. But when the kids at some point of their life play with the trust of their parents, situation starts appearing to be gloomy. It would take a considerably long time for parents to develop that same faith in their kids.
Our lives are incomplete without friends. We might not have a long list of friends, but we must be having some friends who we can completely rely and count on. This reliability comes with trust, when we start trusting them with our secrets, our weaknesses, our strengths our problems and so on. A trustworthy friend stands with us no matter how worse the situation gets. Handful of friends who can be trusted help us to a large extent to shape up our personality. We tend to learn and adopt their good traits. We always keep a trustworthy friend close to our heart and never let him go.
The foundation of trust plays a very significant role in any organization. A leader enjoys his work, brings innovations in his plans, when he is surrounded with trustworthy people. With trustworthy people around, he knows he can deal with any situation, overcome all the hurdles. Trust, develops a healthy environment in any organization. It promotes smooth and effective functioning of the team which in return brings massive success. But what if an employee leaks the secrets of the organization to the rivals? Will it still mark the success of the organization? And if the higher officials come to know of such a thing? Will they be trusting the employee ever again? The answer is no. Because, as said earlier , success of any institution depends on faith, trust and reliability. The organization will not only lose trust over that one employee but also, it would get hard for them to trust others as well.
Foundations of trust between political parties and voters. We have seen political parties making a long list of promises during their election campaigns. The promises are made keeping common people in the centre, to benefit them the most. The political party and the political leader who gets successful in creating direct connection with the masses get benefited the most. People show trust in them by giving their votes to them. Now, the ruling party which forms the government can withstand the trust only when it fulfils the promises made in the election campaign. And if the promises not met, the trust of the people gets broken down. And the impact of the broken trust is seen in the next elections.
In the era of globalization, when countries have come closer, the boundaries have become porous and the world has contracted to become a global village, the foundation of trust has played a prominent role. No country can develop by keeping itself in isolation. No country is self dependent. Trusting one another is of great importance. In the global arena, when we talk of trust between two countries, it takes a long time to build that trust. Economic issues, security concerns , social issues come forth and when two nations overcome these, a strong bond between them gets developed.
For instance, India has the image of a big brother among its neighbouring countries. Most of them rely for funding infrastructural development in their country or agreements lifting up education system. There is a sense of trust these smaller countries have in India that India won't misuse its powers against them. But when that trust is broken down in the form of violation of cease fire from Pakistan, it takes years for the situations to get normal. This because, trust is like a paper, once it is crumpled cannot be perfect again.
Hence, trust is something that exists everywhere, is expected by everyone and enjoyed by only those who are honest and can be counted on. We must be trustworthy and we must chose wisely those we will trust. When we realise that some people are not trustworthy in your life, better create a considerable distance with them. And when we find those rare gems , who have shown they can be trusted, keep them close and never let them go. Because these are the people who make this world a beautiful place to live and because of them we do not lose hope in humanity.